Sep 14 2021

DT Logistics Best Students Award

As a sign of appreciation, the Cluster for Logistics (C4L) supports the best students of Dipôme de technicien en logistique every year. On September 13th 2021, Carlo Thelen, president of C4L, and Deputy Head of the Orientation professionelle (Ministry of Education) Tom Muller, handed over a prize to the two best apprentices of the year 2020/2021.

Brian DA SILVA SANTOS, student at the Lycée Technique de Bonnevoie and apprentice at Globus Baumarkt, as well as Nelson LEAL MOREIRA, from Lycée Technique de Lallange and apprentice at ArcelorMittal, stood out this year and were praised by the teachers and their coaches, exceeding the expectations during a difficult school year marked by the Corona pandemic. 

Watch the ceremony below

The Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg honored the special talent and commitment of these two students with the award of the “Best Diplôme de Technicien en logistique 2020/2021” and sweetened the award with a Lëtzshop Voucher of 500 Euro. The ceremony took place at the Chamber of Commerce with COVIDcheck standards and was videostreamed to the members. 

The training for qualified technicians in logistics was introduced in 2015 with the support of the Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg and prepares young schoolchildren and students for the dispatching of goods in the transport sector. Logistics and industrial companies increasingly need better qualified and motivated young employees in order to fulfill the various tasks.

Carlo Thelen thanked the students, the teachers and the companies for their work during a difficult year. The area of responsibility of the trained qualified technicians includes the planning and organization of transports, the management of warehouses or the implementation of customs clearances. These logistics talents find jobs mainly in freight forwarding and logistics companies but also in other branches of the economy like industry or trade.

Financial support for training companies

In order to support training during the Corona crisis, the Ministry of Education has extended the financial support it started in 2020. In addition to the usual support for social expenses, training companies are able to request a premium between 1,500 and 5,000 euros per trainee for this year as well.

Background to the technician diploma training

The training enables young students to gain practical work experience in a company and acquire qualifications with which they can start their professional life right away or study further to gain advanced skills. The vocational training is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. Theoretical training takes place in a school (Lycée Technique); The practical training takes place in a training company under the guidance of the trainer or the company owner. The trainees are present in the company three days a week, while they attend the vocational school for two days. Companies and students can find details about vocational training on the website of the Chamber of Commerce under logistics specialist:

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