Luxinnovation unveils new mission and website

At a press conference on May 2, 2017, the Secretary of State of the Economy, Francine Closener, along with Luxinnovation’s CEO Jean-Paul Schuler, presented Luxinnovation’s 2016 annual report.

Constituted in the form of an EIG (Economic Interest Group) comprised of the Ministry of the Economy, the Chambre des Métiers, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Chamber of Commerce and FEDIL, Luxinnovation has for more than 30 years had the main mission of supporting national economic development by strengthening the competitiveness of companies by stimulating and enhancing their potential for innovation.

In order to ensure a strong and coherent image of Luxembourg as a place for investment and innovation, Luxinnovation’s internet presence now has a new integrated promotional video, as well as a website for Luxembourg’s economic promotion which is aimed both at foreign companies wishing to settle in Luxembourg, at national companies wishing to innovate and at local companies wishing to export their products and services

Read the full press release
