Jun 20 - 23 2023

Prolog Conference 2023

In a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) World, companies should create and implement new approaches in managing supply chains, and projects. This imperative of business renewal has been accentuated with the COVID19 Crisis. The objective of PROLOG 7th edition is to discuss innovative solutions adopted by organizations operating in a VUCA environment to improve their supply chain and project management.

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The increase of competition and the rapid technological change, characterizing the nowadays business environment require a shift towards new paradigms in the fields of logistics and project management. Aiming to increase their business performance, companies adopt new logistics and project related strategies, oriented not only towards technical excellence and optimization, but also towards innovation.

The international Conference PROLOG is a scientific event, aimed at creating a synergy between the field of logistics/SCM and Project Management. It also promotes research, focusing on contemporary issues in SCM and Project Management, allowing an incremental contribution to theory and value creation for companies.

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